Fresh Start Housing Residential application

Apply Online

Applying for Fresh Start Housing is easy! Complete our Online Residential Application below, and we'll promptly begin review.

Contact April Sparks, Dir. of residency at (425) 780-3976 with inquiries about your application or questions about our process.

Download Application

Download a PDF of the Fresh Start Housing, LLC Application here.

How to Submit your Application

EMAIL your application to

FAX your application to (253) 251-0632 with a cover letter including "ATTN: April Sparks."

If you are unable to submit your application via email or fax, contact us to arrange another delivery method.

Fresh Start Housing Residential Application - Apply Now

Personal Information

Criminal History



Authorization for Release of Information

As a final step of the application process, we ask that you sign the bottom of this form authorizing the release of information. This form gives us permission to speak to your release counselor, PO or CCO if necessary to help coordinate and communicate your release needs. This also confirms authorization to contact relevant individuals regarding your character. 

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